Behavioural Materia Medica of Leading 12 Polychrests Author: Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea,

Behavioural Materia Medica of Leading 12 Polychrests

Author: Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea,

(a) FACE:- (i) Cadaveric expression. (ii)Anxious, distressed, haggared, expression.(iii) Expression of agony. (iv) Lips black, livid. (v) Circumscribed flush of cheeks. Tired. Wretched. Greasy. Expression: facial: anxious & confused. Can be old looking, sickly and stupid. (vi) Anxious, facial expression - changed, confused, distressed, frightened, haggard, old looking, sickly..
(b) BEHAVIOUR:- (i) Insecurity; (ii) Anxiety; (iii) Suspicious; (iv) Mentally restless; (v) Economical; (vi) Miser; (vii) Sensitive; (viii) Fastidious; (ix) Censorious; (x) Selfish; (xi) Dependent; (xii) Needs people reassurance; (xiii) Fear of being alone.
(c) HAND-SHAKE:- Cold, dry grasp.
(d) SIT & BEHAVE:- (i) Anxious à Nervous à Restless (+++) à Signs of exhaustion. (ii) While making appointment: Asks 3-4 times about fees à miser. Also needs assurances about recovery.
(e) GESTURE:- (i) They never spend their time doing nothing - Restless. (ii) Tensed nature of high-strung executives. Nervy; noise <. (iii) Fastidious (stylish). (iv) When he walks by you in the street, he walks by you in the street, he walks fast, runs against you and wants a good deal of elbow room (quick movements). (v) Anything unusual will frighten them (compared with race of horse). Small girls keeps their dolls astonishingly tidy - fastidious +++. ADD HEXAGONE
(f) DRESS:- (i) Fastidious+++. (ii) Everything matching. (iii) Fussy.
(g) PERSONALITY:- (i) Conscientious; (ii) Emphatic; (iii) Gregarious; (iv) Perfectionist; (v) Sensitive; (vi) Sincere.
(a) FACE:- (i) Puffy, pale, devoid of contour. (ii) Old looking expression. (iii) Swollen upper lip. (iv) Pale with deep seated eyes, surrounded by dark rings. Formication. Huckles. Greasy. Hair. Whiskers, falling out of. Heat. Expression, facial absent. Idiotic. Sickly. (v) Anxious, old looking, sickly appearance.
(b) BEHAVIOUR:- (i) Anxiety; (ii) Worry; (iii) Fearful; (iv) Independent; (v) Night terrors; (vi) Stork - bite; (vii) Late; (viii) Good organizer. (ix) Badly behaved child à Temper tantraum:- (a) Screaming & moaning (soft voice - loud shrill voice, Chamomillla). (b) Disobedient. (x) Gets upset by criticism. (xi) Gets upset (+++) from hearing horrible / sad stories (e.g. accidents).
(c) HAND-SHAKE:- No firm responding grip, clammy hand. Flabby and have a boneless kind of hand-grip. Clammy hand. No bone, no firm responding grip.
(d) SIT & BEHAVE:- (i) Slide down. (ii) Anxious & scared. (iii) Insecured. (iv) Cold hands. (v) During consultation: switches off à withdraws à does not co-operate à obstinacy (+++)
(e) GESTURE:- (i) Short limbed. (ii) Fair, fat, flabby, freezing and pulp. (iii) Jiggles like jelly. (iv) Sit in a chair and slides down because she is so flabby. (v) Good planners and organizers. (vi) Late in attending social gatherings. (vii) Tears just drip down silently. (viii) Damp head may smell mildly of cottage cheese. (ix) More strongly of old cheese. (x) Slides down because she is so flabby. (xi) Trust-worthy, reliable, loyal, dedicated, hard-working. (xii) Have damp hands and heads. (xiii) Flabby and have a boneless kind of hand-grip. (xiv) Clammy hand. (xv) No bone, no firm responding grip. (xvi) Loose firmless garb, socks, floppy shoes, hats, no constriction around middle. (xvii) Dislike tightness around the waist. (xviii) Can be quiet stubborn resistance. (xix) Behave like a dunce, jaw hangs, uncomprehending looks, pretends to be slower - defends himself by "switching off" in various ways. (xx) Capricious appetite. (xxi) Principle defensive action is to withdraw and protect - close off the world and ignore it. (xxii) Visibly upset by criticism and takes umbrage at the least little comment. (xxiii) Strong willed, obstinate, toddler often difficult to distract from his desires. (xxiv) upset by horrible things, stories, events in the news, by terrible tragedies happening to others.
(f) DRESS:- (i) Light colour. (ii) Loose, no constriction around middle. (iii) Floppy shoes. (iv) Don't tie the lace of the shoes.
(g) PERSONALITY:- (i) Reliable, reserved; (ii) Fearful; (iii) Dutiful, compassionate; (iv) Anxious; (v) Sensitive; (vi) Shy.
(h) SPEECH:- (i) Invites criticism. (ii) Pressured Calc turns peevish, grumpy, querulous or childish, but he is rarely nasty. (iii) Stubbornness. (iv) Self-assertiveness. (v) This non-aggressive but determined obstinacy.
(a) FACE:- (i) Sharp, intelligent. (ii) Fearless. Heat.
(b) BEHAVIOUR:- (i) Changeability à Vagabond à fearless à reckless and rebellious. (ii) Moaning and whining. (iii) Discontented. (iv) Loss of motivation. (v) Lack of focus and direction. (vi) Dissatisfaction: easily bored. (vii) Skate - boarders (trendy but buckless).
(c) SIT & BEHAVE:- (i) Sighing. (ii) Unhappy.
(d) DRESS:- Smart.
(e) PERSONALITY:- (i) Caring; (ii) Considerate; (iii) Sympathetic; (iv) Worrier; (v) Stubborn; (vi) Discontented.
(a) FACE:- Attractive, appealing. Huckles.
(b) BEHAVIOUR:- (i) Sensitive; (ii) Passionate; (iii) Romantic; (iv) Dutiful, courteous, dependable; (v) Disobedient; (vi) Perfectionist, artistic
(c) SIT & BEHAVE:- Eager, courteous.
(d) GESTURE:- (i) Sentimental, Romantic. (ii) Rhythmic (loves music, dancing). (iii) Passionate. (iv) Perfectionist.
(e) DRESS:- (i) Well matched crisp. (ii) Fastidious. (iii) Wears strong, dark clothes (which get lighter as she gets better).
(a) FACE:- (i) Puffy, oedematous. (ii) Swelling over upper eye-lid, like little bags. Facial expression - haggard, sickly appearance.
(b) BEHAVIOUR:- (i) Support of family; (ii) Insecured à needs bond; (iii) Possessive; (iv) Forms group; (v) Conservative & conventional; (vi) Strong Principles & values; (vii) Strong Senses of duty; (viii) Strong Follows routine (Dogmatic).
(c) GESTURE:- Possessive as insecured. Serious & sincere. Perfectionist.
(d) DRESS:- Loose & floppy.
(a) FACE:- (i) Grayish-yellow face with blue circles around. (ii) Old looking. (iii) Intellectual. (iv) Face grayish accompanied by yellowish tongue. (v) Dirty looking face. (vi) Confused expression. (vii) Deep furrows on face. (viii) Bewildered, facial expression - confused, idiotic, sickly.
(b) BEHAVIOUR:- (i) Careful; (ii) Cautious; (iii) Conscientious diligent & scrupulous; (iv) Conservative; (v) Courteous; (vi) Contained; (vii) C6; (viii) D3 = (a) Dictatorial, (b) dyslexic, (c) Depressed; (ix) (a) Anxiety; (b) Arrogant; (x) (a) Master Safe, (b) Avoid: risks, (c) Avoid: commitments; (xi) Sensitive; (xii) Loner.
(c) HAND-SHAKE:- Firm, grateful grasp.
(d) SIT & BEHAVE:- Careful and courteous.
(e) GESTURE:- (i) Walking laboriously, trudge ß Plodding type but "blow up" under provocation. (ii) Looks older than he is. (iii) Intellectually keen, but muscularly weak. (iv) Upper part of the body and neck emaciated; lower semi-dropsical. (v) Dread of appearing in public. (vi) Will end the conversion as fast as possible because it is too much stress for them; very shy. (vii) Greedy and miser. (viii) A harsh dictator at home. (ix) Seeks disputes. (x) If he cannot bully his wife, he bullies his children. (xi) Needs their unequivocal approval to reinforce his self-esteem and allay his underlying insecurity. (xii) Careful to avoid becoming the target of another's humour. (xiii) Maliciousness usually limited to words, verbally nasty rather than physically violent - not usually revealed to outsiders. (xiv) Fine, delicate features, head may be overly large for his body. (xv) Fears rough games, more intellectual e.g. reading, and computers. (xvi) Hesitant starter. (xvii) Demonstrates a certain moss-like indestructibility that permits him to operate well even in a hostile environmental! Experiences and events that devastate others do not devastate him. (xviii) Avoids stronger/weaker persons he cannot dominate - wife lives solely for his needs. (xix) Always self-assured and always right! (xx) His children may feel oppressed by the parental image, smothers others. (xxi) Dignified and handsome with age, characteristic charming manner, subtle intellect and sophisticated style, but essential coolness and insensitivity in personal relationships. (xxii) Promiscuous.
(f) DRESS:- Attractive, attention seeking. Neat & tidy. Smartly dressed.
(g) SPEECH:- (i) Gracious and genial. (ii) Expects his family to show their loyalty by accepting his views unquestioningly. (iii) He is embarrassed by the eccentricities of Calc, irritated by the erratic behaviour of Lachesis, annoyed at the unrestrained emotionalism of Phos and intolerant of the many peculiarities of Nat. Mur.
(a) FACE:- (i) Heavy persona. (ii) Greasy. (iii) Withdrawn. (iv) Pale, puffy (due to Sodium Stagnation). (v) Dry looking, wrinkled (Due to Nacl depletion). (vi) Greasy, shiny sweaty. (vii) Oily, shiny, as if greased. (viii) Old looking.
(b) BEHAVIOUR:- (i) Imbalanced; (ii) Awkward; (iii) Hurried; (iv) Clumsy; (v) Screaming; (vi) Fretful; (vii) Irritable; (viii) Depressed; (ix) Withdrawn; (x) Aloof; (xi) Not sociable; (xii) Closed.
(c) HAND-SHAKE:- Sit with their arms crossed - defensively in interview.
(d) SIT & BEHAVE:- (i) Leaning back. (ii) Closed. (iii) Arms crossed non interested attitude. (iv) Sits there with crossed hands clasped tightly to the chest, holding in his anger, resentment or unhappiness.
(e) GESTURE:- (i) Pendulous abdomen, suspended from a narrow strip of a throat on which is mounted a head. (ii) Persona is 'heavy'. (iii) Non-communicative, hides. (iv) Leaning away from the physician. (v) Kleptomania, thumb-sucking. (vi) Children suck their thumb and bite their nails; children who are afraid of worms & small animals. (vii) Indifferent to dress, hair disarray, unfashionable clothes. (viii) To admit error is a humiliation, to apologise is extremely difficult. (ix) Admits his errors by his actions - but cannot say sorry. (x) Inflexible, unbending, pillar-of-salt personality. (xi) Cannot hide feelings of displeasure, critical feelings or disgust - if he says nothing, his silent disapproval is apparent. (xii) Inability to pretend. (xiii) Fastidious, perfectionist, always on time. (xiv) Too serious and overly proper and responsible. (xv) Serious appearance. (xvi) Practical and unflattering hairstyle. (xvii) Wears thick, awkward glasses. (xviii) Face and lips are thin and pinched. (xix) Skin is pale and fine with blue veins showing. (xx) Obsessed with social injustice and inequity. (xxi) Difficulty expressing anger - retains it, allows it to fester - mourns the past. (xxii) Unpredictable behavious. (xxiii) If Nat Mur conceives and aversion, he cannot tolerate that person's presence for a single moment. (xxiv) Uses alcohol to loosen inhibition "when I drink I love everyone". (xxv) Bites fingernails. (xxvi) Introverted, overly serious.
(f) DRESS:- (i) Dark. (ii) Non-attractive (giving message: Don't come near me). (iii) Indifferent to dress, hair disarray, unfashionable clothes. (iv) Wears thick, awakard glasses.
(g) PERSONALITY:- (i) Closed (sad, depressed); (ii) Irritable; (iii) Loyal; (iv) Vulnerable; (v) Sensitive; (vi) Resentment.
(a) FACE:- (i) Dehydrated, pale. (ii) Bewildered. (iii) Eyes dull, glassy (but without luster). (iv) Sensation of coldness of one side of face. Suffering. Vacant. Formication. Whiskers, falling out. Heat. Bewildered. Changed. Sickly. (v) Bewilderded. Sickly appearance, vacant.
(b) BEHAVIOUR:- (i) Indifferent; (ii) Grief stricken; (iii) Comprehension; (iv) Personality: Withdrawn; (v) Personality: Grief stricken; (vi) Personality: Disoriented (Comprehension difficult); (vii) Confused; (viii) Forgetful.
(c) SIT & BEHAVE:- (i) Mild. (ii) Indifferent. (iii) Withdrawn, disorientated. (iv) Repeats same sentence or give short answers (indolence). (v) Desire to put fingers into nose.
(d) GESTURE:- (i) Mental debility à physical debility: "Lie like a log". (ii) Indifferent. (iii) Apathetic (iv) Withdrawn (socially). INSERT HEXAGONE
(e) DRESS:- (i) Unmatched. (ii) Designer label clothes, arty, bright colours.
(f) PERSONALITY:- (i) Fun loving; (ii) Charismatic; (iii) Reliable; (iv) Private; (v) Humourous; (vi) Considerate.
(a) FACE:- (i) Sharp. (ii) Intellectual. (iii) Bright. (iv) Beauty culture: always careful and tops up her make-up! (v) Easy flush - when excited or embarrassed. (vi) Blue ring around the eyes. Suffering. Vacant. Huckles. Greasy. Heat. Excoriated, corner of mouth. Changed. Distressed. Foolish. Frightened. Haggard. Sickly. Stupid. (vii) Facial expression - foolish, frightened, haggard, sick, vacant.
(b) BEHAVIOUR:- (i) Extrovert; (ii) Expressive; (iii) Attractive; (iv) Artistic; (v) Enthusiastic; (vi) Pulpy; (vii) Changeable; (viii) Good nature; (ix) Popular; (x) Lively; (xi) Sensitive; (xii) Restless; (xiii) Communicative; (xiv) Startle
(c) SIT & BEHAVE:- (i) Bubbly. (ii) Dynamic. (iii) Excited.
(d) GESTURE:- (i) Delicate features; long fingers very feminine. (ii) She likes 'beauty culture'. (iii) Tall slender. (iv) Grows too rapidly, inclined to be stooped. (v) Expressive attitude. (vi) Appreciates fun. (vii) Personality likes that of champagne, bubbly. (viii) Impatient, throwing impressive tantrums. (ix) Artistically re-arrange the furniture when cleaning up her room, and the girl will decorate the table with flowers. (x) He does not allow sadness to last and does not bear resentment. (xi) Frail constitution. (xii) Exhibitionism. (xiii) Do not have secrets. (xiv) Very suggestible, gullible. (xv) An alert, bright, intelligent child. (xvi) Two types:- (a) Bubbly: extrovert, expressive, gregarious; (b) Reserved: shy, plays sad music.
(e) DRESS:- (i) Design clothes. (ii) Well matched. (iii) Sharp contrast. (iv ) Designer label clothes, artistic, wear bright colours.
(f) PERSONALITY:- (i) Expressive, emotional; (ii) Social; (iii) Impressionable, gregarious; (iv) Sensitive; (v) Sympathetic; (vi) Artistic.
(a) FACE:- (i) Abashed, (ii) Guilt, (iii) Ashamed.
(b) BEHAVIOUR:- (i) Low self-esteem, (ii) Unworthiness, (iii) Sensitive, (iv) Controlled, (v) Reserved; (vi) Arrogant; (vii) Too dignified to fight; (viii) Hangs on to terrible marriage with spiritual justifications; (ix) Avoids quarrel, hates troubles; (x) Throw things when angry; (xi) Hates authoritarian control; (xii) Pride & honour.
(c) SIT & BEHAVE:- (i) Controlled. (ii) Reserved. (iii) Fears physician.
(d) GESTURE:- (i) Bottles up: Face and ears gets red; (ii) Fears: (a) Losing self control, (b) Doctors; (iii) Mild: avoids quarrel; (iv) Too dignified to fight; (v) Sentimental: (a) Weepy; (b) Writes poetry; (vi) Anger à finally violent rage: throws things.
(e) DRESS:- (i) Dignified. (ii) Casually dressed.
(f) PERSONALITY:- (i) Reserved; (ii) Passionate; (iii) Generous; (iv) Thoughtful; (v) Emotional; (vi) Considerate.
(a) FACE:- (i) Sneaky look, (ii) Oily skin, warts on face, (iii) Perspiration in face, not on the side lain on. Formication. Greasy. Hair, chin, women in, on growth of, child's face. Women, in. Heat. Idiotic.
(b) BEHAVIOUR:- (i) Shy; (ii) Sad; (iii) Depressed; (iv) Secretive; (v) Fragile (Feeling); (vi) Sensitive; (vii) Sluggish; (viii) Dutiful; (ix) Over conscientious; (x) Anxious.
(c) HAND-SHAKE:- Sweaty hand-clasp.
(d) SIT & BEHAVE:- (i) Concealing, (ii) Non flexible, (iii) Isolation.
(e) GESTURE:- (i) Oily, greasy skin, (ii) Flesh, rounded Hairy++, (iii) Warty excrescences, (iv) Secretive, (v) Fixed - even tears remain fixed in the eye, (vi) Cannot make a straight request, always on guard.
(f) DRESS:- Attractive.
(g) PERSONALITY:- (i) Rigid; (ii) Live in lie; (iii) Obsessions; (iv) Sensitive, sincere; (v) Low self-esteem emphatic; (vi) Conceals.

(a) FACE:- (i) Irritable, (ii) Stubborn look, (iii) Destructive, (iv) Critical.
(b) BEHAVIOUR:- (i) Interests are a mile wide and an inch deep! (ii) Boredom with daily routine of life, (iii) Every possible outlet for excitement - dangerous sports etc. (iv) Frequent job changes, relationship moves, change of home, all part of this same tendency. (v) Risk taking - never reach the end and never quite get fulfilled; (vi) Needs excitement (drugs, crime); (vii) Superstitious; (viii) Irritable; (ix) Stubborn; (x) Malicious & violent; (xi) Impatient; (xii) Changeable (wants to try everyting); (xiii) Travel (Stimulating experiences); (xiv) Romantic (though never finds inner contentment.
(c) SIT & BEHAVE:- (i) Ritualistic, (ii) Easily bored, (iii) Restless & discontented.
(d) GESTURE:- (i) Alternating moods, (ii) Excessive stubborn, (iii) Disobedient, exhibiting violent fits of temper that upsets the whole family, (iv) Kicking, howling and screams, (v) If scolded, even though they are very small, they threaten back, (vi) Violent towards pets, (vii) Whining, fretful children, who are fearful and timid esp. of dogs, (viii) No child, (ix) Stubborn and complaining, (x) Self-destructive (strike themselves especially on the head, or head thumping is very characteristic), (xi) Child is negative, critical and selfish, (xii) Breaks things, rushes around to relieve nervous tension. (xiii) Unfulfilled yearnings, (xiv) If he cannot afford to travel physical, he travels in his mind via books, (xv) Good behaviour alternates with disruptiveness, (xvi) Coldly and deliberately destructive and malicious. (xvii) Flat narrow chest ('pigeon-breasted'), tall, slim, active, nervous and precocious but physically weak (like Phos.). (xviii) Low recuperative power. Susceptible to weather-changes; martyrs to respiratory catarrhs; takes cold easily without knowing how or where; (xix) Persons of light complexion; (xx) Blue eyes, blondes; (xxi) Lax fibre; (xxii) Very susceptible to weather changes; (xxiii) Low recuperative powers; (xxiv) Tall, slim, flat, narrow chest.
(e) DRESS:- (i) Stimulating. (ii) Stylish.
(f) PERSONALITY:- (i) Discontented; (ii) Malicious; (iii) Industrious; (iv) Stubborn; (v) Impatient, independent; (vi) Needs: (a) Travel, (b) Stimulating experience, (c) Change.
(g) SPEECH:- Hurls words as well as objects - foul languae.


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